Old Man Winter is having a hard time letting go this year. But when he does we’ve got our list of tasks ready to go for Spring Cleanup. Once the ground is no longer frozen or saturated it’s time to get going with Spring Landscaping.
Here are some tips to help you get started:
- Remove the leaves, branches and debris from the yard
- Rake the garden beds before things start growing so plants won’t be damaged or crocuses accidentally removed
- Edge garden beds and walkways and freshen up the beds with a new layer of mulch
- Push back any perennials that heaved due to frost
- Ornamental grasses and perennials should be cut back before signs of new growth
- Woody plants (trees and shrubs) should be fertilized before they begin to leaf out
- Summer flowering shrubs should be pruned
Once that’s done it’s time to start planning what else you want to accomplish in the yard this year. Will it be a new walkway or patio? A vegetable garden? A trellis with clematis or other beautiful vine? There are so many things to keep you busy and make your yard beautiful … we just need to get rid of the snow!